Wednesday, May 13, 2020

#124 - Carl Theodor Dreyer Box Set

So, we're still at a point where the box sets and the films in them have seperate numbers so I GUESS before I watch a film, the OCD in me needs an entry for #124 - let's see what we have found

we saw Carl's wonderful work in "The Passion of Joan of Arc" about 60 films back.   It appears he is Danish but was working French Cinema at the time.   Based on what I have read, we're getting his three Sound films (at the end of his career) that were in Danish, not including one before these where they mostly still used title cards.  We're also getting a documentary about his life, but it's not in the Criterion Channel.   It is in some of my local libraries and I can go curbside to pick it up - LOL - but I'll get thru these first and see if I want to drive to a library for curbside pickup - LOL

anyways, should be some good stuff coming up - it'll be a nice change from the contemporary settings of the last few films - at least a couple I believe are set in the 17th century


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