Wednesday, May 13, 2020

#123 - Grey Gardens

Ok, so this one didn't hit me as hard as Salesman - in fact it took me a bit to get into it.

We have another documentary from the Maysles Brothers, and in this case they turn their attention to a mother/daughter duo living in squalor in a mansion in the Hamptons where Jackie O. once ran and played.

A lot to be said about what is essentially a window into their lives - it's a statement on mental illness, I feel - it was just an odd movie - no plot and no direction - just a window into their lives - I guess it's had an impact on fashion as the daughter Edie seemed to have her own unique style and a couple of the special features cover what Fashion designers thought of it and were inspired by but as for myself, I didn't get much out of it except a slightly distrubed feeling being in the lives of two people, one of whom clearly didn't mind the cameras and probably didn't feel exploited but I dunno...

So there's a followup with other footage from 2006 - it shows up in the 300's - I THOUGHT about watching it ahead of time but I think I'll just get to it when I get to it....not sure yet - I could also write the review and probably save it for 5 years but I think I'll give myself time to digest this and maybe come back in a couple years


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