Thursday, December 7, 2017

#41 - Henry V

I WISH I could say I have been taking a while because I had stuff to do - but the truth is, I just hate Shakespeare - I literally fell asleep 5 times watching this movie and finally tried watching it DURING work on the Ipad just to finish it

There's some cool stuff here - the story starts on a stage a'la Globe Theatre and then moves out to some sets, and finally to the battlefield before closing back on a stage again - it was made during WWII, and no doubt the themes of unity between France and Britain were intentionally chosen for this story - the acting is fine - I just really hate Shakespeare - and that's kind of the high and low of it - maybe I'd like Kenneth Branagh's version better but even then I practically needed the subtitles to get 1/2 of what was going on

Anyways, this one is done - nothing to say but ugh and I'm glad it's over - I'm sure for 1944 it was the bee's knees but it just left me blah today

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