Saturday, November 4, 2017

#40 - Armageddon

#40 - yah....ok

so I mean, it was a hit in the summer of 1998 - it was Michael Bay's 3rd film, and it foreshadowed his fast cut, little exposition, bang em blow up stuff that he would take to great heights in the Transformers films.   Those are films by the way, where I stopped watching after #4 cause I literally couldn't remember the plot of it - it was that forgettable

I just didn't like the movie that much - too long - too implausible - and I thought that summer's "Deep Impact" about a similar comet hitting earth was better, to be blunt.

I just streamed this on netflix - I guess there's special features but I'm just meh on this one, but I got it out of the way


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