Monday, December 11, 2017

#43 - Lord of the Flies

Here we go - a proper homicidal mob sorta movie

Like most people, I first read this book probably in middle or High School - the movie here is a pretty faithful rendition of the book - done by Director Peter Brook - it retains English roots, although I believe it's made by an American, and with very few exceptions or cut scenes, doesn't deviate from the source material except maybe at the very beginning.

Right off the bat I was reminded of "Night Of the Living Dead" - the opening reminds me of Night's closing, and some of the violent mob scenes in the latter half of the film remind me of the Living Dead - (side note - guess what's being released in a couple months on Criterion!) - It's a great film about the collapse of society and morals in a closed ecosystem - perhaps it loses some of it's teeth when reading it at a young age because I don't remember it hitting me like the story did this time at an older age but maybe that's the movie

Some really good use of music here - (which according to the special features was done in 5 hours) - Two melodies are dominant - one is a Choral piece sung and played at times when you get the impression that law and order are established, and some spooky stuff played when the tribe descends into the frenzy and madness around the campfire.

They really did a good job here of making these kids terrifying in the 2nd half of the film, and of course, by the end of the film their clothes are practically falling apart - There are a lot of special features and extras to this one, including a deleted scene, some scrapbooks of stuff that was shot and home video shot by the kids - (apparently to keep them busy - LOL) - it's a nice collection and if you like the movie, there's a great audio commentary as well by the director and producer.

It's a pretty good story and I liked this version a lot - I think I saw the 1990 version years ago but in my head this one feels superior - but who can say - either way, it's a classic and almost an art piece in the way it was presented and the story that was told - very good stuff

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