Thursday, December 7, 2017

Side Tangent - Musings on Star Wars

Since the last entry sucked SUCH dog balls....freaking Shakespeare - I figured with a week to go I'd do some writing in here about Star Wars

Star Wars is literally the first movie I can ever remember wanting to see at 5 years old - and here's what happened - in my 5 year old broken kid English - (hell,  not even 5 yet) - I said I wanted to see Star Wars

My mom asked why but in the end she took me to the drive-in and we watched it - except...I was pretty sure it wasn't Star Wars - in fact, my primitive reading skills soon confirmed we were watching A Star is Born

I still tease my mom about that - two years later i saw it on the re-release and it's amazing how much of the larger context of Empire and Rebels I didn't get but I got the core of Good Guys Vs. Bad - I don't think we ever played Cowboys and Indians - we played Stormtroopers and Han Solo's/Luke Skywalker's - Look - Luke wasn't as cool after the first one - so Han was generally who we played - but Luke GOT cooler

I didn't hate the prequels - in fact, I sorta liked them as much as the originals because I had backstory - info, I understood the context better - I had read comics and books - and for all the Jar Jar Binks shit, I liked them - I got uber excited for every Trailer - same with Episode 7

Except Episode 7 wasn't the same - it wasn't as good for me - partially because the context of the New Order and a Resistance didn't make any sense to me - (I have been told I'm not the only one to go WTF) - and the rehash of the original Trilogy plot - another planet killer - Han playing more like a cartoon hero than a scoundrel - I could have used a lot more of the moments between him and Leia when he was leaving. 

Rogue One was a return to form for me - and I'm starting to enjoy these blaster bolts that don't just drop a guy but hurl him across the room

In March of this year, my wife and I went on vacation to the far SW point of Ireland - Mizen Head - where no one was going cause it wasn't vacation season yet, but when you were living in Minnesota, Ireland is fine in March - at the nearly empty tourism office, the lady said we should go to Brow Head - (next Peninsula over) and that they had shot some of the new Star Wars there - I knew that Skellig Michael a hundred miles away was where they shot the ending so I was confused, but I understood later that this was Ep 8 that shot there - and most of the scenes I've seen in the trailer were shot on a cliff right there near some farmer's land most likely

I still get excited and I'm excited for this one - I'm hoping it feels more like a movie and less like an ADHD Director's therapy - because at the end of the day, Star Wars is my favorite film franchise and always will be, I suspect.  It almost makes me sad to think they may still be making movies in that Galaxy Far Far away after I'm dead and gone - but here's to Rey, Finn, and all the others trying to capture it for us - I wish it had been George Lucas' vision, but I'll take what I can get.


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