Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Side Tangent - Godzilla Minus One


I've been a tiny bit stalled on Red Beard due to it's length and my ADHD - someday soon I'll get it done.

IN THE MEANTIME, I've made a trip to a real theater again for the first time in a few week.   I've probably seen about 20 Godzilla movies from both Japan and America, and as far as a genre goes, I like them.  This one right here is probably the best one I've ever seen, hands down.

Long story short, it's another "reboot" which means it starts like there's never been a Godzilla before.  (This gets complicated - but basically, most movies are sequels of the 1954, or there were a couple stretches where they were sequels to each other, but by and large, until 2016's Shin Godzilla, all the Toho properties basically assumed Godzilla's first film exists and builds on that)

But what makes this unique is that this one takes place in the years right after World War II, in the late 40's.   The characters we meet in this movie are already struggling with PTSD, Trauma, and Survivor's Guilt before even getting to the monster.   They're living in burned out buildings in Tokyo, barely surviving, and working to do things like clean up mines after the war.   When Godzilla shows up they are already on the precipice.

I saw something on Reddit that really hit true with me - in this one you are rooting for Godzilla to be defeated.   In a lot of these, you root for Godzilla vs. another Monster or hope to see him back someday.  However, in this one, you grow attached to the characters, and that doesn't leave you.   There are moments where the theater is silent as a pindrop - it's really something to experience.

In any case, I think it's the best Godzilla movie I have ever seen, and it's worth a trip to the big screen one time if you can pull it off


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