Thursday, December 2, 2021

#144 - Loves of a Blonde


Only my 2nd Czech New Wave film - I think I expected a little more after Closely Watched Trains - (and we got another one to go) - kind of an interesting story about a woman in a town where women outnumber men 16 to 1 and she bounces from an absent boyfriend to a new one.

Some of the shots here are really extended - a dialogue shot can go for 10-15 minutes (or a party shot) - with cuts back and forth between the speakers - Milos Forman, of course, would come to the US and do some legendary work - (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Man on the Moon, amongst others) - but we probably won't see these actors/actresses again except in another film out of Czechoslovakia.   (Thank God for Spell check)

it was an interesting film and not a bad way to spend 88 minutes but I won't be getting the DVD anytime soon.   I think when I see New Wave, I automatically associate it with French, but each movement had it's own styles - what I can say is that apparently this was a lax time in some of the authoritarian tendencies of the Eastern Bloc and that gave this particular New Wave a chance to flourish before crackdowns later

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