Monday, October 4, 2021

#142 - The Last Wave


#142 returns us to Peter Weir - (Picnic at Hanging Rock, but neither of these would be my favorite PW film - that's no doubt Dead Poets Society)

even reading the description I couldn't quite guess what I was getting into - an Australian Tax Lawyer tries to defend some Aboriginals from a manslaughter charge and ends up having odd visions.   This is actually to some degree what Peter Weir was going for, the idea that an odd white collar middle class man would start having strange end of the world visions and how the heck did that work out.

Quite a lot of suspense in this one - more than I was expecting - and it's a good film - right up with with Picnic for it's spookiness, and a young, young Richard Chamberlin who I saw a bit in the 80's but not since.   

Good film and enjoyable, if a little enigmatic

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader first time poster here - please write a blog post on The Ramen Girl & it’s importance as an American made film depicting real Japanese characters not “charictures” thanks!
