Wednesday, October 31, 2018

#70 - The Last Temptation of Christ

We're really going to cram these in the next 4 weeks - my HOPE is to get to Tokyo Olympiad at #155 cause it's hard to find and it's on filmstruck - let's see what we can do in 30 days

#70 - I wasn't old enough to see this when it came out and as a good Christian kid I wouldn't have but I remember the controversy.    Seems so far away now -

The Last Temptation of Christ is a good film - it's not Orthodox, and neither was the book it's based on - right off the bat the movie tells you this isn't about the Gospels - but it's not a work by men without faith either - A good chunk of the story is a straight up condensation of the life of Jesus - I think Scorsese wanted to do a film about the Life of Jesus, and as the Wikipedia tells it, Barbara Hershey gave him a copy of Nikos Kazantzakis' novel, and the rest worked itself out.

Shot in Morocco on a shoestring budget and timeline, the film doesn't suffer from it much.  Peter Gabriel does the music, and like people have said, it's probably a better film than the Passion of the Christ, which although more orthodox, was a film that near the end relished in the brutality. 

There's a lot I could say about the faith here, but I'll just leave it as a good film


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