Saturday, August 11, 2018

#63 - Carnival of Souls

#63 is a B-movie horror film with some interesting influence and backstory - a true cult classic - Carnival of Souls

Story goes the Director saw a spooky pavilion out by the Great Salt Lake, and decided to write an entire movie around it.  This is a low budget horror film about a woman who survives a car crash, only to move to Salt Lake City and begin finding her stalked by ghoulish figures, the main one being an old man played by the director himself.

The first thing that struck me immediately was how it could be (and was) an influence for another cult classic, Night of the Living Dead - Black and White, with a woman being stalked and chased is right up there with the opener of that film.   In another amusing similarity, both films had forgotten to put a copyright mark on their print titles, so both passed into public domain.

Criterion has re-released it in blu-ray and DVD with lots of special features, sadly only a couple of which were on my disk 1 from Netflix.   Not on filmstruck either, sadly.   BUT you can find several copies online and I see it all the time in those budger 50 horror film packs you can get at the used book store.

Surprised I hadn't seen it yet and it was pretty good - I won't spoil it for you except to say that it's even worth a second watch to hear the commentary

A spooky organ makes up the majority of the soundtrack, and gives the film a little something extra, especially as how the woman is an organist.

good for Halloween and other scary movie events - and probably it's on Mystery Science Theater 3000 - LOL


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