Wednesday, May 16, 2018

#56 - The 39 Steps

Another classic Hitchcock film for #56 - The 39 Steps - it is an adaptation of a story from 1915, and was done in a couple other formats (Radio Dramas) before he got to it

Like his other early work from England (#6 - The Lady Vanishes) - it's a bit of an unusual feel - it does feel very English

the one thing that stuck out to me is that Hitchcock mentions this film as a pioneering technique of using a Macguffin, which is to say a device to drive a plot that may or may not even be known - I think the most famous one I can think of is in the Movie "Ronin" with Robert DeNiro, where the Macguffin is the Silver Briefcase, which drives the movie, and the actual contents of are never known.

Ya know - this was a decent story but I don't quite get the whole "One of the greatest films of the 20th century" drive behind it - but I'm dumb

Lots of good extras - features about Early Hitchcock, some audio that Francois Truffaut did for an interview - a radio adaptation from 1937, and some other things -

I didn't HATE it - I just didn't feel it the way some people seem to in their souls - LOL


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