So yes, I stalled pretty hard on Solaris - will try to bring it in soon - I've been watching a ton of other good stuff though so I'm not missing out
I think part of my issue is I don't have engagement so I'm going to start crossposting the blog posts on Letterboxd and migrating over the reviews - I'm hoping I'll get some good stuff going that way.
when I've got that mostly set up I'll post the link here and wish you all a super 2025
when I started this blog, the very first post, I spoke out against the ignorance and ultra-nationalism of Donald Trump. I reject it as much today as I did 8 years ago when he was first about to be sworn in. I reject it even more now. Our world does not grow by putting up walls and pointing guns inwards. Whatever happens from here on out, whether corruption extraordinaire or authortanism by cotton candy haired cowards, I will take inspiration from the heroes I've watched and read to say "get bent" and vote again in 2028 for someone better