Thursday, March 5, 2020

#118 - Sullivan's Travels

Another comedy by Preston Sturges - (prev. seen in The Lady Eve, #103)

it's a movie that actually tries to make light of the serious comedies that were coming out at the time - this is our first appearance of Veronica Lake, a femme fatale who made a nice number of films in the 40's and probably was a pin-up girl in a few GI's napsacks.  And it was an entertaining little tidbit but nothing to write home about

The Bluray has some special features but i won't be getting into them - glad this one is done - another 1940's romantic comedy from Hollywood that never held interest for me

Sunday, March 1, 2020

#117 - Diary of a Chambermaid

#117 wasn't quite as salacious as I thought it would be - I think there's an expectation that "Diary of a xxxxxx" films are usually quite sexual in nature - there's some stuff in here that might be risque in the early 60's but not really in France I don't think

In fact it turned out to be a bit of a drama/thriller film - it was made in the 60's but set before WWII which is interesting because there is some anti-antisemitism and nationalism shown here that would have clearly been calling out the French before WWII and their ideals at the time it was made.    Something it reminds me of is the extreme Japanese Militarism that was called out in later 60's films like "The Human Condition" - it's a look back at an ugly time and not flinching or covering it up.   In fact, I read in a book one time that if you were to go to people in 1900, tell them a massive holocaust of Jewish people would take place and that it would be instigated by one country, you'd be far more likely to hear them say France instead of Germany would be predicted to be the instigator.

And this all comes at the hands of a Spanish Director - intriguing - I am sure special features might be a nice addition to this but it's out of print and the CC only had the film.

It's a decent film - Jeanne Moreau hasn't been on our radar yet but she will show up soon - I'm especially interested in seeing her in Elevator to the Gallows.   She has already worked in film for 15 years when this was made.   She will make a great femme-fatale character, I think and reminds me a bit of Barbara Stanwick but we'll see.

Anyhoo I won't get into the story too much but it did take a bit to ramp up and then in the 2nd act went in a direction I was not expecting but good for them.